Pre-order Guide Updated: 22/11/20
The latest news on PS5 Pre-Orders
Very’s buying power is still placing them firmly in the lead of the major PS5 retailers. While Argos and Box confirmed they had no stock for launch, they are due restocks soon!
The best way to pre-order a PS5
1. Sign-up to and once you’ve got an account, remember to go into your Profile and let them know the PS5 consoles and accessories that you wish to be alerted to.

Stock Informer is a great start and the reason I already have mine pre-ordered. Just make sure to use the audio alerts (top right) and activate Push Notifications!
Once you’ve signed-up, make sure that Push Notifications and Discord are selected for alerts in your profile (don’t bother with emails as by the time they’re sent out…stock is gone).
Stock Informer even offer an audio alert service (we recommend this with Push Messages) when keeping their site active in your browser. Simply check the ‘Audible Alerts when New Stock Found’ box at the top right. Now, just check all that you wish to be alerted to beneath it. Stock Informer will sound an alarm once they find stock, so keep your volume on and turned up!
2. The good old fashioned way – bookmarks. Yup, bookmark every trusted site you know that will stock the PS5, and just keep checking it (remember to use CTRL + F5 to fully hard refresh the product pages!). This may sound tedious (it is) but if you’ve got the time, this will dramatically boost your chances of pre-ordering a PS5, as even Stock Informer can’t list them all!
When it comes down to refreshing a page, you want to make sure you’re spending your time looking at the right pages and areas. Always check a different product on that retailers page (one that has an item in stock) to see exactly where the ‘Add to cart’ or ‘Pre-Order’ buttons are. Fully prepare and you’ll be ready to bag a PS5 console when the time comes!
3. eba…yeah, right! Please don’t give-in to scalpers on auction sites! Such companies should’ve banned auctions for pre orders (where the seller doesn’t even have he product in had yet). Now the pre-ordering period has passed, please remember that the more gamers give-in and bid on such insanely priced listings, the more scalpers will go out of their way to clog-up online store checkouts and ruin things for everyone.
Please be patient. Use our tips and you’ll get hold of a console soon enough at the price it was meant to be sold at. Good luck!
Keep it locked to D4G for more on the latest PS5 pre-ordering news and tips!