Ninja Turtles: Legends is the first 3D turn-based TMNT RPG. Due to this fact, many loyal Turtles fans (us included) will flock to install this great little game. However, just like many free-to-play mobile games, it can get costly if you don’t know what you’re doing. The first of D4G’s TMNT: Legends tips, will advise you on how to manage your pizza energy.

Pizza – The fundamental element of this RPG allowing you to keep grinding and leveling-up
Every battle will require around 6-12 pizza slices (this may increase with higher levels or special levels). You’ll only accumulate 1-2 slices every 6 mins. This may sound like a lot, but it’s really not if you need to grind (and trust us…you will). To level up more efficiently, understand that the only thing restricting you is pizza. You can grind regardless of how many warp cards, cash, materials or characters that you have.
When to use pizza energy
Once you’re at a point where you’re getting your ass kicked, and can’t progress to the next level, head back to the easiest ‘Hard Mode’ level. These are unlocked for every chapter, once all regular stages have been completed. You don’t get much XP or mutagen for regular stages, so only play them when your leveled-up enough to continue the story. Until then, focus on a hard stage that’s the quickest to complete. That way, you’ll gain more XP, mutagen, materials and most important of all…DNA card drops!

Six-minute replenishments and Mystery Card Packs will keep a Turtles tummy full and ready for battle!
Patience produces pizza
Like all good pizzas…they’ll take time. Try not to grind when your pizza isn’t really stacked that high, as this will increase the temptation to buy card packs. Instead, time roughly how long it takes to accumulate a full stack of pizza. Once you’re fully loaded, it’s time to hit the streets!
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