Nostalgia is an amazing thing. As we held old comic books that contained classic retro ads, it was also just as amazing to think that these ads helped kick-start the games industry!
Don’t worry, we’re going to share this amazing feeling with you by treating our readers to some classic retro gaming ad scans!
WWF – NES Wrestlemania Game and VHS Board Game Ad
1989’s edition of Superman In Space leant its back cover for the WWF ad. Although the NES version was amazing for us WWF fans, I couldn’t help but feel left out at the sight of a WWF VHS board game release! This must have been a US only release as many of us in the UK were fooled into thinking that Atmosphere was one of the first VHS board games!?

A WWF VHS board game!? To ebay, quick!
We’ve got plenty more retro gaming ads to come, including Atari and some cool Ninty accessories!