Reason 2: PSVITA’s Hidden Game Line-up
We’re not sure if many of you have forgotten this, so let us remind you about the sheer amount of games that Sony already have under their belt. Basically, there are so many classic and recent releases that you’ll soon uncover new launch titles for the PSVITA, you never even realised existed! No, we’re not on about the PSP catalogue and we’re not even referring to PSone classics…we’re talking about Sony’s HUGE catalogue of PS2 games!

There's a lot more to the PSVITA than retail launch titles...
When the PSP was released, its capabilities fell smack-bang in the middle of the PSone and the PS2. It could flawlessly play your favourite PSone games but it lacked the umph to play true PS2 ports. Now however, a 4 core CPU can ensure PS2 games for the PSVITA!
Think about it. How many excellent games does the PS2 currently have? It’s true that many developers have chosen the option to remake in HD for PSN, but here’s another thing you may have overlooked…God Of War, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill, Final Fantasy X, ICO and Shadow Of The Colossus HD remakes can easily be ported to the PSVITA (with NO graphical or gameplay loss!). This now adds PSN HD remakes for the PSVITA! That’s even more games added to the PSVITA’s potential launch titles!

The PSVITA has the power to play PSN HD remakes, such as the Devil May Cry HD Collection. Get excited...get VERY excited!
Remember, the PS2 still has a huge library of PS2 games, still to undergo the HD treatment. Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Okami, Burnout, Persona, Grand Turismo, Kingdom Hearts and Jak & Daxter are just a few major IP’s that can offer the PSVITA an unbeatable hand-held game line-up. But even if they don’t get the PSN HD treatment, they can still simply be ported to the PSVITA system. They’d still be incredible hand-held games!
Don’t forget, the US PSN currently offers a small collection of PS2 Classics (hurry up and get this to the UK, Sony!) that you can download and enjoy on your PS3. That’s even more titles for Sony’s new hand-held powerhouse!
So there you have it. The hand-held with not only the biggest line-up of games from launch, but with enough potential for existing PS2 and PSN releases to make it incredible value for money
Also Check Out:
Why You Should Buy a PSVITA – Reason 1: Graphical Ability
Why You Should Buy a PSVITA – Reason 3: FPS Games on the PSVITA
Why You Should Buy a PSVITA – Reason 4: Dreamcast Games on PSVITA!
Oh please make PS2 HD remakes compatible with PSVITA! (or tweak them for it). VITA has the power to totally dominate!
I can’t wait for Feb! PSVita should get Sony back into the hand held game!