Lets be honest, the main reason us gamers are drawn to Window Phone 7 handsets, is simple…Xbox LIVE! So you may have seen the adverts for HTC handsets, seen the bright green icon layout, marveled at the Xbox LIVE logo that sits snugly within the main icon menu, but what exactly does this mean…what exactly will this offer us gamers?

Look at that icon to the lower left...can you feel that warm-fuzzy feeling? It's Xbox LIVE!
The photo above, got a lot of heads turning at major events. The main attractions being Xbox LIVE and Netfilx. This pretty much spells out that games and movies will flood the new Windows Phone 7 handset. While Netfilx may change to Vuze in the UK, Xbox LIVE will remain the same.
Lets get straight to the point and cover what we’ve heard on the new Windows Phone 7 handsets:
Q: Is Windows Phone 7 an actual mobile or is it software?
A: Windows Phone 7 isn’t an actual mobile itself, it’s more of a mobile operating system (like Windows 7 is to a PC). Well-known phone manufacturers will allow Windows Phone 7 to be installed “as standard” on their handsets.
Q: What handsets currently offer Windows Phone 7?
A: At the moment we’re mainly seeing HTC handsets for sale. Samsung and LG are manufacturers that have been announced (and shown) with Windows Phone 7 software running on them, but HTC 7 Mozart, HTC 7 Trophy and HTC HD7 are handsets that are currently available in the UK.
Q: Does Xbox LIVE on the Windows Phone 7 mean games, or is this just an app to edit my Xbox LIVE profile?
A: It means both! The Xbox LIVE app (pre-installed on all Windows Phone 7 handsets) will allow you to manage and update your Xbox LIVE profile and avatar. It will also allow you to download games and play them under your Xbox LIVE profile!
Q: “Under may Xbox LIVE profile” what does that mean?
A: It means that you’ll be able to unlock achievements…just like Xbox 360 games! While playing Windows Phone 7 Xbox LIVE games, any achievements you unlock throughout, will be added to your Xbox LIVE profile…the same one you sign-in with on your Xbox 360! You’ll also be able to play other players online (including all friends on your Xbox 360 friends-list), all through the magic of Xbox LIVE!
Q: Can any game be downloaded to the Windows 7 Phone, from the Xbox 360 marketplace?
A: No. But this is not a bad thing. A mobile is a completely different language and code to a 360, meaning that games must be coded and converted to the Windows Phone 7. So this doesn’t stop Microsoft converting a majority of their Xbox 360 Arcade/Indie games, to the Windows Phone 7 store!
Q: I know the Windows Phone 7 is pretty new, but what games can I expect to play?
Here is the line-up of games currently available for Windows 7 Phone on Xbox LIVE:
– Need for Speed™ Undercover:

Windows Phone 7 has the need...
– Assassin’s Creed™ – Altaïr’s Chronicles HD:

Assassins Creed helps launch Windows Phone 7
– Tetris (what would any hand-held do without Tetris, eh?)
– Bejeweled LIVE
– Monopoly
– Guitar Hero 5
– The Harvest (the graphics and destructible environments, will amaze you!):

The Harvest is one to look out for
– Flight Control
– More Brain Exercise
– Earthworm Jim HD
– The Sims 3:

Bet you weren't expecting the Sims on-the-go?
– de Blob
– Butterfly
– Star Wars: Battle For Hoth:

Star Wars gets strategic on Windows Phone 7
– James Patterson’s Women’s Murder Club:

Perfect for the mobile touch-screen
– Glyder: Adventure Worlds
– Bubble Town 2
– Max & the Magic Marker
– Birdy Bounce
– Fast and Furious Adrenaline
– Star Wars: Cantina
– Twin Blades : The Reaping Vanguard:

Guns + Blades + Blood + Zombies = Win!
– Frogger
– Hexic Rush
– Rocket Riot
– Game Chest: Solitaire Edition
– OMG: Our Manic Game
– CarneyVale: Showtime
– Krashlander
– The Impossible Game
– Red Bull Racing Challenge
– The Revenants – Corridor of Souls
– Solitaire
– Bye Bye Brain:

Another zombie-fest...we love it!
– Dodge These Balls
As you can tell, Windows Phone 7 isn’t exactly short of games for it’s lunch. It also seems that quite a few Xbox 360 Arcade and Indie games, have already been converted to Windows Phone 7…and this is just at launch!
We hope that’s covered a few things on games for Windows Phone 7, but check back as we’ll certainly have a whole lot more on games and apps for the Windows Phone 7 mobiles.
I hope there are some good turn-based RPG’S lined-up for Windows 7 Phone?
Twin Blades looks ace!