First there was Devil May Cry, a Gothic fast-paced action game that re-defined 360 combat. The swift and precise manner you could maneuver Dante, gave the PS2 analog stick it’s true purpose. Four games on and with a reboot in the works, (the trendy new word for both movie directors and game devs) Devil May Cry gave birth to a new heroin…this time with awesome visuals, boot-mounted guns and a butt you could stare at all day!

Selling over one million copies in it's first month, Bayonetta was a great success
Bayonetta was created from the mind of Hideki Kamiya, who was also responsible for the birth of Dante (Devil May Cry). While Bayonetta was very similar to Devil May Cry, it also offered fans a sexy new heroin. Bayonetta was Lara Croft with attitude and everything from her simple strut, to her wicked weaves, oozed sex appeal. Of course, Bayonetta was a truly awesome game in itself, so we all had an excuse for our girlfriends (when they’d always walk-in during “that cutscene”).

Bayonetta was the perfect sexy heroin, but if the game ever made it to the big-screen, who could play Bayonetta?
Who Could Play Bayonetta?
Lets pretend we’ve all just heard news on IGN, that Platinum games have offered the rights for a Bayonetta film. The legal paperwork has been dealt with, the script is being penned…but the main actress is yet to be finalized. Who should play Bayonetta?
We don’t want this to be the first good actress who signs-up for it. She must be able to have that well spoken accent (convincingly), have the build of Bayonetta, give that trademark sexy-vibe (with minimal effort) and look stunning in a pair of glasses. Once the look is out of the way, the successful actress must be able to move like she was born to kick-butt.
We’ve taken a few names and would like to run them by our readers:
Kate Beckinsale as Bayonetta
Probably one of the strongest on this list, our first pick is Kate Beckingslae. If you’ve seen Underworld then you’ll know what we’re getting at, here. Kate has already shown us her ability to kick-butt on-screen (Underworld and Van Helsing), as well as look absolutely stunning in leather. While Underworld displayed her on-screen combat ability, Van Helsing made her acting skills and that all-important sex apeal, shine forth like a flare in Alan Wake.

Underworld displayed Kate Beckinsale's on-screen combat ability. She was a stunning Death-Dealer
We understand that with the short hair and contact lenses, you may not be able to see Kate as Bayonetta just yet…but wait till’ you see this:

Take this and blend it with the image above. See it now?
Uma Thurman as Bayonetta
Currently our other favourite for the part, Uma Thurman has also displayed superb on-screen combat ability. Kill Bill showed us what Uma Could do when her character seeks vengeance and Pulp Fiction, gave us a taste of a character with effortless sex appeal.

Uma Thurman in The Avengers
As well as being a world-class actress, Uma has not only displayed awesome combat ability…but she looks damn hot in leather!

Agian, take this image and combine it with the hot Avenger-look. A bit of hair dye and you have Bayonetta!
Liz Hurley as Bayonetta
Austin Powers gave us Liz Hurley in a cat-suit (for which many of us were thankful for). As soon as we set eyes on the desert eagle-bearing, leather-suited babe, we could instantly see Bayonetta. Her acting ability may not be as strong as other actresses on this list, but it’s developed over the years. Liz was perfect for her part in Bedazzled, which not only displayed her firm and authoritative acting ability, but showed us the daring and sexy side of Liz (in just about every kinky outfit under-the-sun and with a devilishly sexy attitude to match).

Liz sure looks stunning in a leather cat-suit
As well as her devilishly sex ways in Bedazzled, Liz already has the perfect voice for Bayonetta.

Bedazzled and Austin Powers, helped Liz get on this list but could she pull-off the combat scenes?
Eva Mendes as Bayonetta
Eva certainly has the look and sex appeal for the part, but could she pull off the accent? Her part in The Spirit cried out “Bayonetta”, but it takes more than a cat-suit to pull the part off. Past movie-parts give us the impression Eva could do the job, but it’s just the voice we’re uncertain about. Don’t get us wrong here, we’re not saying Eva couldn’t (she’s a great actress) but we’ve never heard her play a similar sounding part.

Could Eva Mendes kick-butt with her wicked weaves?
Let us know your thoughts on our short list? If you think we’ve missed the perfect actress, let us know via the comments below and we’ll add them to our list.
Kate Beckinsale or Uma Thurman should play Bayonetta. I don’t even think Liz is acting anymore, right?
Even mendez… No. Her skin colour is all wrong. Too tanned. Uma Thurman’s eyes are trying to run away from each other. A young Liz would be good but she’s passed it now which is a shame. Leaving us with Kate. The right face. The right accent. The right china white skin and an amazing arse to boot. I’d like to throw two wild cards in too although I don’t 100% agree with one myself. Gemma arterton and my personal choice Rhona Mitra.
Uma Thurman is the closest match in the face, based on expressions. She’s kinda gross though and may wreck it.
Kate Beckingslae is a winner to play Bayonetta to me! She has everything the part asks for!
I think Eva Mendez could be Bayonetta. She looks fine in that number :o)