Valkyria Chronicles gave PS3 owners an exclusive and unique take on strategic gaming. Offering a beautifully drawn art-style, with military action and strategic movement, Valkyria Chronicles was a totally unexpected but much-welcomed release from Sega.

Valkyria Chronicles was a surprising and creative release from Sega. It was such a shame the game lacked the promotional funding of other A-list titles
Combining RPG, strategy and third person action gaming, to then bring to life the experience with beautiful anime paint brush-style flair, makes Valkyria Chronicles a must-buy for Playstation 3 owners. Taking command of a small army and strategically planning their way-points, cover, defensive maneuvers and attacking positions, have never looked or felt so good.

Combat is beautiful, strategic and deeply immersing
As well as the superb combat, you’ll also enjoy a powerful story unfold, all with beautifly crafted anime cut-scenes:

Valkyria Chronicles art-style is imaginative and unique. It helps pull you into the world of Valkyria and then fastens you into the intense and well-paced battle system
Dear Sony,
Valkyria Chronicles is a creative masterpiece of gaming and unlike anything else on games consoles. The problem we have here, is that the game was never given the marketing it deserved and as a result, was never produced or sold to the quantity of other A-list titles.
Have you tried looking for Valkyria Chronicles lately? Both retail and Online stores struggle to stock this, as the game doesn’t seem to be produced anymore. We wish to support game developers and purchase Valkyria Chronicles as new, so both developer and gamer can benefit from the effort and creativity that has gone into Valkyria Chronicles.
High review scores vs produced product, means that Valkyria Chronicles never got it’s time to shine. We strongly suggest and urge you to put Valkyria Chronicles up on PSN. This way, the gaming public can purchase and download a superb game, while the developers get back the profit they so rightly deserve.
I really want to see Valkyria Chronicles on PSN! I can’t believe Sony and SEGA never thought of this. It’s so hard finding in stores so GET IT ON PSN AND MAKE SOME MONEY FROM IT!!!
Yeah, I ordered online and the game didn’t even turn up! Please get Valkyria Chronicles on PSN! I wanna play it so bad!
Valkyria Chronicles would be awesome on PSN! Can’t believe this hasn’t been done already!
This is an awesome game! Make the 3rd for PS3!